If your reading this you are a trooper! Thank you! This is a brain dump about modern life.

Modernity, in its relentless pursuit of progress, has become devoid of meaning. So much that i now question the intelligence of society as a whole. Imagine spending seven hours in a forest, cutting down trees. You could potentially achieve more if you took breaks to sharpen your axe regularly. Just as the parable of the two lumberjacks reveals insights into the value of working smartly versus merely working hard. The true essence of life often becomes obscured. We’re caught in a cycle, akin to spending six hours sharpening the axe and only one hour actually cutting the wood, our priorities have shifted away from meaningful labor to the mere appearance of being perpetually occupied.

What truly defines the purpose of life? Amidst our relentless quest to improve our living conditions, one can’t help but question the irony of our situation. Despite the monumental strides in technology, automation, and healthcare that have ostensibly liberated us, many of us still find ourselves entrenched in a routine that feels counterintuitive to these advancements. Consider the typical week: 40 to 56 hours dedicated to work, another 42 to 56 hours to sleep, leaving us with 84 to 112 hours.

the remaining 84-112 hours it deceptively enticing. one might be tempted to think that the lions portion of your time can be spent doing whatever they want. but when you consider the fact that in a state like florida average rent is equal to 50-60% of the average wages that remaining 84-112 hours becomes devoid of options or opportunity without a side hustle. So you spend anther 30-40 hours on a side hustle, sometimes learning skills that you don’t want or need and what are you left with? 20-25% of your own time? what do you use that time on? recreation? Family? Introspection? Self improvement? Community service?

This cycle seems to encapsulate the existence of most individuals I observe, where the luxury of self-reflection, personal growth, or living by one’s moral principles is afforded to only a fortunate few. It’s perplexing, and somewhat disheartening, that a life devoid of time for such essential pursuits is not only normalized but often lauded.

I read a book called “The Richest Man in Babylon” it emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of your time and labor in relation to spending money. The book suggests that when considering a purchase, one should think about how many days, weeks, or months of work it represents. This perspective is meant to make individuals more mindful of their spending habits by equating the cost of an item not just in monetary terms, but in the amount of life energy and time it took to earn that money.

For instance, if someone earns $100 a day and is considering a purchase that costs $500, they should think of that item as costing five days of their life. This mindset encourages people to consider whether the item is truly worth five days of their labor. By viewing purchases through this lens, individuals are more likely to make thoughtful decisions about spending, prioritizing expenditures that bring true value and happiness over impulsive or unnecessary buys.

Speaking of unnecessary buys, How long do you think it would take to build a tiny house? A year? Two? ok lets say three years because you had to buy all the materials first. Why has it been normalized to spend 30- 40 years of your life paying for a house? Its absolute madness! if you omit sleep and recreation that still 15-30 years! That tradeoff only makes sense if your on the cutting edge of technology. and being paid in access of the houses worth in dollars. Like being an medical researcher,lawyer, doctor or engineer. Teaching is a noble profession as well but i doubt teachers can get by without a side hustle nowadays either. Kinda makes me want to quit my job and go build a house.

By Tekno

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